Current category: GIS
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Blender add-on. Make the bridge between Blender and geographic data

depthmapX is an open-source and multi-platform spatial analysis software for spatial networks of different scales, from buildings and small urban areas to whole cities or states.

Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA/CERL)

JOSM is an extensible editor for ?OpenStreetMap (OSM) for ?Java 8+. It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery, and OSM data from local sources as well as from online sources

OpenOrienteering is a project developing a collection of tools which help with the creation of orienteering maps and the organization of orienteering events.

A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information.

An android app that syncs your QGIS projects to a mobile device and allows for in the field GIS data viewing and entry.

GIS System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses designed for the easy and effective implementation of spatial algorithms.